need honest opinion!

what you think of the design and the banner
not the forum images or anything but just the style and the BANNER of my forum

please answer honest

if sux tell me why if nice tell me why

and u recieve a personal strawberry x

its ok but its not great
Du hältst mal besser deinen Mund ne'!!!
banner is nice, descriptions are too long
things in the banner dont fit togetha
its bad but not the worst
its bad but not the worst
monochrome layout would fit better
Not overwelming, banner could be better since it doesnt really fit in the subjects...i think. I advise to make the colours a bit intenser. :)
i like the structure at all
the banner looks like my first photoshop-project, the overlays r not very nice...just improve that one ;)
thanks for all comments im gonna change forum images and the forum descriptions as well as the forums itself therefore i only need advise on banner and style but thanks.

colours will be lighter in forum itself, images will change and the pink will disappear look back in 2 hours it will be finished.

thanks for opinions.
u should change the color / design of your forum

it looks so unspecial :o
Its shit.
I'll do you an unique banner if you give something in return.
nice, like the logo

now strawberry?
x> yes buddy
fucking gay!
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