again razer shit


i tried to instal new firmware for my razer but the installation failed and now my computer doesnt find the mouse anymore but he finds my old g5 though.

it says: uknown usb device detected and i cannot install the drivers again


random old pic: image: Owned-Burn_the_flag
try other usb ?
" razer dies every month so play with g5 "
tried all my usbs on my dads computer it doest work either
@ pic
poor guy...but nice try
a bit :)
I had the same problem yesterday (unknown usb device). It worked after a restart :o
try installing old firmware to your mouse, uninstall your drivers, and then reinstall your drivers again, and then update to the new firmware again ;)
tried that but the i cant install the drivers when my computer doesnt recognise the mouse the installation says put i a mouse -.-
throw that razer away, it dies after 2 fucking days..
i have mine since 2 years ...
why u guys install all those driver shit?
You need to get your mouse replaced.

It's a known problem with that firmware update, next time check some forum to find out if it's safe to do that...
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