MY DOG > *

Every1 is posting pics of their pets, so i will post mine... U can see how i have trained my dog.
image: kuva002tc8


image: kuva003qi7

Btw, im not that guy in pic -,-
my cat > ur dog, np.
ur "dad" (or what ever) have got a strange look. :)
give it to him/her
cool dog :))

funny red cabin
aaah sun, we dont have that here in belgium!
2th picture, ur dad looks like a murderer
Hes not my dad, Hes our neighbour.
hahaha, nice pics ^^
hi mlq
had fun in sauna with that guy?
did u take this pic right now? isnt bit early to be drunken allrdy?
nice dog..
No, it was taken couple months ago
image: vasilisa

my she-cat can yawn ;)
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