so i went to a pub..

just to think for a while, you know sit down and think for yourself and drink a beer or 8.
and then this guy comes sit next to me (np) we start talking about random shit. it was cool
and all had a nice chat,... and then he asks me if he can suck my dick for money. i was like i dont need your money, im richer than you gtfo. +i dont want you in me. but he kept on talking 'dirty' and buying me drinks thinking he could get me drunk enough to let him homo me (hahaa not possible). so free drinks fine. then i told him im straight and he should go someplace else. and he did.

and what next?
ANOTHER HOMO sits next to me and does EXACTLY the same things the previous guy did

wtf! all homos here seems.
u went to a pub, naiz story.
yah i went to bookstore too? u read what i wrote? it was not a about a pub but the homosexuals that tried to 'hit' on me in a time span less than 30min
im not drinking beer
dit: it means u look gay.. rofl selfbust
yeah i was thinking of it too....they kept calling me good looking and wtf am i to do? i dont wear homo clothes or nthn, i dont speak homo neither.
maybe u got big stuff :o or gay hair :o
no gay hair so that leaves.....:)
normal pub which i often frequent. this day was just strange

suomi? :O
to much makeup.
yah...3rd day at new school. missed first day, came too late the second and was a weee bit wasted this morning too. i cant even recall brushing my teeth. i took taxi to school so id be there on time.
so no make up. not that i normally do either.
...and remember kids, sperm is WAY more efficient than any existing toothpaste...

then u must look like antti tuisku =)
antti tuisku is my friends cousin lOOooooolooloLoO9oLOOO :P
ok =D so u went with antti tuisku into a gaybar?
no i just had to mention it since ure a fin right?

i went alone to think some deep shit and then these homos come all over me!
wrong bar..
either this story is fake.. or u where the homo
this story is fake + im homo.
didnt see that coming.. :o
Go to work hOm3b0y.
ga prakke e-tard
maybe... you have the look of the wrong community :/
thats exactly what i was going to the pub for! your amazing truly, i was just thinking that this shitty community aint for me, either im moving to denmark or amsterdam (or somewhere nearby).
wat a weird mofo Post...Are u on tablets?
yes. why?
dude I aint on about happies and shit..I mean U really need help...Prozac should be nice, I hear they do em in strawberry flavoured....not sure theres anything for attention seeking...
,,at prozac.. thats xanor or xanax in europe, alprazolam the efficient chemical in em. prozac is like a diazepam which is like 1/4 of a xanor.

EDIT: and if u got a problem with seeking too much attention, try levozin. that freezez ur brain so u dont give/do shit. theres a newer version available but if u really want to be 'comfortably numb', take levozin.
where can i get levozin ??
i wont recommend it. never taken, never will. seen too many personalities change. if u need something, u depressed or anxious u should try seroquel. i havent taken it myself since both of the afore mentioned drugs are for long term use and i have no intentions on doing so. anything that ends with a '-pam' (clonazepam,alprazolam,diazepam) are for short term use. = u feel shit, u take one = u feel good.
levozin=u take it for mon ths, maybe years,,,and i really dont know if i should recommend it.

e.i can get u ure levozinszzzz:)
ownd :o
well,free drinks
i would like it 2 then, lucky you

A friend of mine got proposal when he was at work (gasstation)

the man said to him, are you "big shaped"? I want to pay you 300 Dutch guilders if I can give you blowjob... 0_o

My friend said no, but the guy kept horrassing him, so he called me and some other friends, to come to the gasstation when he was done working, cause the guy waited on the parking... So I came over with 4 friends and kindly asked him to "gtfo" lol

My friend was little bit scared for this strange guy. (obviously)
"kindly" i bet :)
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