need help :(

This evening sucks :( i was 3 hours afk and when i went back my screen has a blue line on the right side. even if i play any game, or my windows loads its there.

i has no clue what to do :(

pls help me

edit: i guess its not something of windows, cause when i do a screenshot to show it, no blue line is on it :(
try to crawl trough it
format c !
TFT screen I guess?

try pressing the screen around the line, sometimes helps for that
right, its a TFT screen...

i pressed, nothin happend...
is it immediately there when u turn it on?

if yes, I guess the tft is dead :p
hm cant help you gl
you wont get help @ crossfire :<
nothing will help had that 2 after awhile you wil get a second one r.i.p tft
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