bb leaN

18:43:45) —› mode: (Q) sets mode (+b *!*[email protected])
(18:43:45) —› This (*!*[email protected]) ban affects: (LeAN)
(18:43:45) —› kick: (LeAN) was kicked by (gimpBOT) (Banned by gANg-D. Reason: none given)

QuoteLeAn on 07/09/07, 11:44:17 PM | Reply
why shouldnt i say its me ? ofc its me but that shit was only a busted public hack which i even couldnt use becasue i already got banennd by conneting and i didnt cheat in a war so be happy that i try to make et cheaterfree now =)

bb whos next?
lean :/
That is what we all should do, when ever some one gets pbbans/triangles in yawn---> insta-kick/ban from everychannel possible.

No mercy, biatch.
this could be connected in someway:

Global Cheaterlist with IRC bots which autokick everyone on that list!
That would be nice. Though it feels much better when you can kick those wankers by yourself =P
lol change ident + reconnect :P
Well, but the thing is that many of these busted players still chat and search wars with their own names. And fool around there dumping useless comments and skit.

But what is the problem with banning these idiots? One clikc, two click, problem solved.

Let them come again, lets ban them again.
so its better they come back to the community with a name no1 knows, instead of the name everyone knows, so that everyone could just avoid getting a game against him etc?
SS.log is from ets, which isn't a public hack

though, other cheats can also use that file
it's semi public as the cracked version was widely spread among the finnish community.
blackbox lean?
lol wtf now again???
cant understand it thsi shit is old i didnt cheat in that gather matches and didnt cheat in any war :P so plz stop being retarded
*edit already unbanned @ gather
how do we know?
mabye ask me for demo?
if you cant proof with a demo that somone hax you cant proof that someone doesnt or havent cheats/ed
you were, 100 % certain
were what?
1 strike and you're out imo
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