1,2 or 3?

Which number is better; 1,2 or 3?
always first ofc ! :>
learn the basics ofc 1 is the best

Do a shoutcast!
i always liked 3 (nothing sexually though) i like the number
o yea and where the hell have u been ? me and kes have been searching for a gn mix :(
I went to hollywood
ok ur excused
2 becouse 1 is lonely and 3 is 1 too many so 1 gets left out all the time. that leaves us with 2.
how can a number to be better ? :(
see my comment imo.
9 is my favorite, but 1 for you!
2 - my football number :D
One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do; Two can be as bad as one, its the loneliest number since the number one.
8+2. check ma bday. i like it
this rox imo
3, because 3 hs = c00l
2, cuz silver is more beautiful than gold
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