half english, half what?
WWe arezeh hurenwsn drunken ngr crssfire rcks zeh bcez ya rly
7 Sep 2007, 22:03
hiu2u bgrZZZZZ we are zeh j3ff + zeh hurens0hn, we ae at zeh RL artty, druk and suff. itsr ly nicre and we are at zeh apzop abd wr are freeslig ad its all s col r rck zrh housr jq irklich drine 7tter uscth sänze in der hlle.
half mongolish...
he ho ok binnen sie eine bietjen drunk
who the fuck gets drunk and comes to crossfire making useless journals? :X
a lot of nerds do that when they are "drunken"
Ok Translation: Hello to you blacks we are j3ff and hurens0hn, we are at a real life party, drunken and stuff. It's really nice and we are at the... seriously, what the fuck?
And someone's mother is sucking cocks in hell (it's in German).
say hi to jonas for me
another random "im bcak form teh culb" journal
was so n1 yesterday :X i couldnt really type anymore thats why there are a few spelling mistakes in there...