dA sChool aGain ...

School starts at monday :/
I'm afraid of getting awake at 6 o'clock.
It's saturday and I'm still awake that long.
Well, I'll try to sleep now.
Think I'm setting my alarm clock to 10 o'clock.
4h sleep, is that enough.

Well, I hope you cared a bit.

P.s.: Got still some carebears to share.
P.s.2: Monday is also the day to quit eT. Hope I can do that. Wish me good luck plz :/
4h sleep is not enought, i hope a car will kill you on ur way to school or if your lucky and there was no traffic then a nigger swing ur heart
cant wait till monday
your school starts at monday ;O we started it like over a month ago... :I
yup we also ...school starts like 8 days ago :)
its a bavarian! kill him xd

image: 500BIERG_bayer

schleich di!
I changed my school! I'm AMIS now
finally, no more spam by you
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