Maptest Nr. XYZ

Hey Guys,
to cut a long story short I ll just ask for 2-4 6v6 et-teams which are willing to test a new custom map.

You ll have to get used to the map, prepare some tax, test the gameplay in some 6v6 wars and to give us feedback ;)

If your team is interest -> plz pm me here on crossfire or leave me a msg on IRC @ #ET-Cup (I ll send you the infos/downloadlinks and ips after you ve done so).

thx in advance!
ask tlr and polar, they had ubertax last time too!
sounds promising, we might give it a shot :)
new maps? its a dream! i think ovs wanna participate too, i ask the guys, if they can i pm u
ich lieber dir spu9! =)
lern deutsch, thainutte
warum nich gleich?
nix deutsch lk :<
ich doch auch ned, engl wipo is teh win!
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