Web directories.

I'm looking to tidy up my web-space a bit by creating a few directories so that I can let my family and friends see a few of my pictures without me having to link each individual. I've looked about on the web for some templates but the only real thing I can seem to find is guides on how to create Apache directories and paths, which is completely over the top for what I need.

Any help/advice would be appreciated, as my web-coding is rather dire. Even just some pointers on where to begin would be awesome. I tried coding something myself in HTML but if i want to change a directory significantly, it's so much time and effort to add each individual image path/field. I should really learn at some point but I don't have the time at the moment.

Any advice would be bliss.
does your webspace support php?
I'm not sure, I don't think so though. Only things like PHP4 and PHP5 scripting which as far as I'm aware isn't the same thing.
Yes, something like that would be win. Is everything I need in that first file you linked?
yep, just rename it into 'index.php' :)
I'll have a proper look when I get home, thanks very much!

Directory Listing Script ©2005 Ash Young. Design by Manny.
I actually have that t-shirt at home, my brother bought me it a long time ago. Needless to say, I've gained weight/body mass since then and I've bulked up a bit so now, the t-shirt is getting a bit small.

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