Hooray for pb!

Yay pb is massive cheatbusting last few weeks!

btw the multihack kick is NOT a bug

just found this!


2nd player got kicked for what many claim to be a bugged number !

While infact he had a cvar in his cfg called ot_logo 1
i lol'd
so, i saved this community for thinking this as a bug, np4me
No , actually I was thinking if one ppl got it and got banned it might be a bug , but then more ppl were saying it wich were formal cheaters or new to crossfire

So i used the almight source! www.google.com

Typed in the violation and got this as a result :>

This answers all questions , it is NOT a bug its a bust :D
yes, as i was trying to say the whole time, but you sticked to i heard from sources.
np4me cheabuster
No i was saying that ppl were saying that this was a bug , at first i thought it might be , but later i was confident it wasnt as i repeatedly said

Perhaps take evening english class ?
i can speak decent english, i'm just not bothered here, i'm just spamming...
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