I lolled :DDDDD

blajjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjd dolboeb
huli doma sidisch?
doma heißt zuhause oder so da hört dann mein russisch auf :D?vllcht "was machst du zu hause " ?
"wieso zum teufel hockst du zuhause rum"
ich war auf ner feier bis grad eben dann musst ich mit nem taxi von freunden mitfahren weil sonst hätt ich da bleiben müssen und die sind dann in ne disco rein wo ich kein bock mehr hatte dann bin ich heim, btw: polish are gaY
agree (shitty auch)
shitty hört sich an wie scheiße
klingt komisch, ist aber so.
HAHAHHAHAHA i know only some words :XD
translate someone? :<
I think U have that advertise broadcasted at Belgium TVchannels
(underarm deodorant ad )

honey ,where have U been ?
-I was running
strange ,but your Tshirt is dry , & it doesn't stink
- silly woman ,I was running in another Tshirt !

honey ,where have U been ?
-I was running
strange ,but your Tshirt is dry , & it doesn't stink
-U better sniff my training shoes!

honey ,where have U been ?
-I was running
strange, but your undies doesn't stink
-bitch ,sniff my T-shrt ,not my pants!

honey ,where have U been ?
-I was @ the girl next door 's place
strange, but your T smells like U were running

honey ,where have U been ?
-I was taking a crap
strange ,but the toilet paper is dry , & it doesn't smell

honey ,where have U been ?
-I was composing the interesting stories.
strange ,but your Tshirt is dry , & it doesn't stink
- & why on earth it should smell ? & U pissed me off to sniff everything ! kill yourself by charging the wall with your your forehead !

honey ,where have U been ?
-I was In germany.I shooted the frogs from the sattelite with my laser blaster ,being in the outer space.
strange ,but I don't smell any dope
-silly woman, I took lsd , (& not smoked shit)

honey ,why U smell so bad ?
-cuz I run wearing scaphander (space suit)

honey ,where have U been ?
-I was running
strange ,but your Tshirt is dry , & it doesn't stink
-OMFG , must I walk on my arms so there should be enough smell ?

honey ,where have U been ( what Did U do ) ?
-I was sniffing
sniffing a glue ?
-No sniffing my t-shirt

honey ,where have U been ?
-FUCK OFF, biatch !!!!!

the end.
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