et is teh shit

"do you play et?" - "yes"
"are yolu drunk?" - "yes"
"will there ever be a online teamplay game that will have the speed, accuracy, ingame-awareness and tactics like et?" - "NO".

ET is imo, the best game EVER when it comes to aim-skill, teamplay and mental skill.

And what is fun about a online game? Is it really fun to play über (thnx for borrowing Yerman language) huge maps with camping behind a wall for 10min? ok some might say..but ...
Is it fun to play games where "skillled lucky-shots" makes the difference between losing or wining?

Enemy territory is iimo the only game where movement, aim and ingame-awereness makes the difference between losing a important (or un-important) game or winning the big e-penis-award.
And I don't say .... is a un-skilled eGame, its just not as much aspects to concern at every second.

It is with lots of sadness in my soul that I realize that the "top clans" and the "top players" are leaving et cuse (not mabye just cause of but...) of to much cheaters, new worse games and harrazement (nice engrish) about them being cheaters.
This is the online game I'm" living for". This is for me what soccer is for 13yo boys/girls.. this is my call...but I have no longer any really good and skilled players (read shewie, ganon, max, winghaven etc) that shows me and helps me develope my skills and that I can be inspired only conclusion is...its a shame

but I'll keep playing et until its dead...wether its against cheaters or not, I'll fight for the skill of the game, and I will beat them...
...and may the cheaters be ashamed of every duell they lose..

'cuse if I would have been using cheats and lost any duell or cheeks and soul would be red of shame and embarresment for every duell and match I wouldnt win..cuse cheating is......................cheating....

Flame OFF, no body cares about what I said hf for ET-scene
agree even though i havnt read it yet
good night
GL, i dont read all this,, its 2 ,uch for now, i just wanked ond
Im not in mood to read, too tired!
So, good night crossfire :*
what does drunk have 2 do with this post?
cuse the reason that I wrote it was that I came home drunk :)
ù still remember that?
laughed the hole way trough :DDD

you forgot to add:

*Hitsounds (do make everyone knows when they hit, even with nades LOL)

*a man telling you what to do,( in case you´re complete stupid so you cant figure that one out)

*Firerate, that makes every bullet you shoot (with hitsounds ofc) hit the target no spray).

Still laughing - you never tried the original game RtCW i heard, but in your case you better not ;) cos it will not be a "happy" journal for sure... still laughing
Your dislike for a game that is, like it or not, 98% an exact copy of your amazing RTCW is only detrimental to the possibility that there will be a game that is even close to it in the future. Those people who didn't give ET a chance and whined about it or quit before it was "fixed" only decreased the life of the Wolfenstein series. Stupidity. Their choice, but still stupidity.
I'm glad I could enjoy you that much :) But I think ET and RTWC is very similar when it comes to teamplay, objects and normal fights with equal weapons even though I havent played RTCW but I do look forward to RTCW2 that will be released when I'm around 30.
The King is dead, long live to the King.
"Enemy territory is iimo the only game where movement, aim and ingame-awereness makes the difference between losing a important (or un-important) game or winning the big e-penis-award."

*Cough* Quake *Cough*
*cough* mapknowledge *cough*
*cough* pickups *cough*

ye agree though, ET and RTCW are one of the few games where u have nice strafefights with even weapons that dont kill after one hit.

E.g, CS is camp, spread etc/ Quake, UT and warsow are all about mapknowledge and getting stuff/ CoD is... well plz...
Ye and bf has maps wich is the size of china and sniping is quite effective then.
havent played quake my self, only seen it on videos and I cant really say I there is any similarity to et as a teamplay-game? Mabye I'm wrong and then I have to obey :)
Quake is like et with to low gravity ;D (no not the other way around!)
carebear ?
That's careboys .
No, these are caretards.
Oh , sorry . Mistake !
pretty clear you haven't played too many other games, but, oh well :P
nice read : )
lass ihn doch :o
Nö :/ , ich muss doch Leute flamen. Sonst gibts hia auf Crossfire nix zu schreiben.
stimmt auch wieder :<

du oller spast XD
Siehst du.
Mit dem flame am Ende zwangst du mich zur Antwort :P

Deine Muttah ins Spasst alta, kotz mia nicht ans Bein ey.

jaja, ich geh heut extra früh schlafen um deiner muddi morgen früh zum putzen aufzumachen XD

Why do u say 'eT is teh shit' if you would actually marry it ?
'cuse I wanted to be 1337 :(
I read the first 3 sentences and i agree
The only thing he forgot is that there are a lot of guys who overrate themselves.
maybe the highskilledZ are leaving coz they are those hax0rz and are bored of that .asd
that is so possible that I dont want to think that way :)
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