its not the same anymore...

donno why but i have apocalypse feeling today. its not like being emo.
its about seeing everythings end. its maybe caused by the weather... similar to UK atm... no sunshine, and everything is wet. okey not wet, only yesterday was rain. today not. my mood is like -14 on a +20/-20 scale. happens sometime. what a bloody sunday... i did all my work outside, and after that i sit to the computer and only listening music and played 1 war and some pub. shame... weather rly? or something different? why i have so bad day? waiting for the school, what starts at 17th . so fucking bored. tomorrow again some fucking work, i need to do. and ovs got dignitas for oppenent. ofc the later winner again, just like after every groupstage in et-cup. i think i will do the worst! watching TV and drink some beers. Johnny English @ 20:00 ... maybe it will help. dont ask why i shared my thoughts with u. if i do this every sunday can i call myself emo? or they r something more? no, i dont wanna commit suicide, and other days in my week are better. usually...
sometimes i have days which everythning looks just sucks lol, most of the time it caused by unheathly food (cause ALOT of troubles...) and less sleeping hours, or just upset about sth u dono, even wanking is as bad :<
thank you for your sympathy
why u post a pic about humM3L to this journal?
thx...hope it will be better and dont need to kill myself
i know what u mean. im exactly in the same mood. cannot expain why but its there.
U r a female, u have that every month
Priceless! :DD
Thats what u think, but im going to charge Crossfire
Stop replying me, everytime I check the msg, I see that emo picture from vision
Reply!!! Just to annoy you :P Btw if we keep replying, eventually the pic will disappear :P
Just 1 more reply 4 me +DD
And there we are, the pic is gone. Now let's hear some more of that priceless humour :P
haha know how you feel mate i was like completly wasted yesterday as i got home at 5 after one fucked up night full of stupid fights with damn faggots and i felt like playing some fight night on my xbox and that went broke after an hour, so that realy made everything even better, have to send it back to microsoft now :(

And the fact that its sunday and tomz is workday complete's this fuckin gay weekend.

Now im stuck on playing css :<
haha someone got owned @ school :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
uk has been having great weather!
uk and good weather, end of wordl coming ;f
global warming!! uk has basically the same weather as Europe so there! ;x
good thing that your english is at it's best!
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