pb problem again

Hi when i join a server after playing some minutes i got horrible fps lag and my cpu is 100 % in work ( CTRL+ALT+DEL)

Its has something 2 do with punkbuster. I tryed already to search in the journals but didnt found anything thats usefull. I tryed already pbweb.exe and pbsetup.exe from the website. They didnt help!

Plz help me thanks
damn pb : /
hax is using up your cpu
turn of the wh chams
ur firewall
Restart pc. worked for me.
ok before you play ET put your CPU in the CPU socket ..

hf gl
helpfull comments!

soz m8 cant help.
so is mine!
vieze vuile cheater111
bart hou jij is gewoon je kop tering belg <3
i has the same problem, fps is terrible :X
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