Missing etpro guid='mustbeahacker'?

almighty Scotland Slasheh says that It's true. He yawned me and he said i must be hacking
proof. http://www.yawn.be/findPlayer.yawn?nick=eqzy&pbGuid=&etproGuid=&gamecode=ET
(The truth is that, I formated my C: coz of daddy's porn and pblag)

you should know by yourself if it's true or not, this looks like a "am I going to be busted or not" journal to me
who exactly are you?
who exactly are you?
I think it's mystic .

Euhuehu , Mztik sorry .
you got a point here
Finaly I got a point !

edit : thx !
empty etpro guid on yawn = getting yawned on etmain/etpub/gaymod/whatever
im clear fosho...
unblind must be a hacker then also
nice twisting my words.

i said that :

1 ) you have brand new etpro guid and pbguid to which you said is because you formatted, yet when I switched to an entirely new computer kept 1out of the 2.

2) in your older guids you are missing an etpro guid which in some cases is a sign of nexus.

And since i am ref, you are unknown and dodgy, i dont give you the benefit of the doubt.

and 3 ) yes i am almighty
check butchji's yawn or smth, u will find signs like that cu kthx
then ill kick him if he comes on :)
-no special treatment

( as squalli found out...3 times )
Slasheh it's not hack
It's just a bug of the yawn
When yawn is going to offline, then doesn't save the "datas"...
So you can't see the etpro guid...
That is that.
kick, but don't say that I'm hacking
i didnt. ure simply kicked under suspicious circumstances.

did i make an xfire post and said you hacked? no i didnt.
You had a bad day and U can't believe to ppl like me, Well I'd be the last one who lies to someone. I didnt shoot like 4hs/kill and didnt show up acc 54... You didnt know what to do so u begin to give fucks.
the day i lose my guid , ill take that into consideration
format dont do shit to etpro guid

fucking randoms
etpro guids arent perfect sadly enough
i know but format does not change hardware in any way
No a pure format doesnt, but recovery tools can mess with things which can change your etpro guid, like hidden partitions.
the maximum that that can do is change you etpro guid not make it blank
Hmm thats true, strangely enough the first few times I played on this new notebook my etpro guids were unknown as well :<

etpro guid is just not 100% reliable, but what is nowadays :(
i even re-installed my ET and overwrote my ET folder

the latest entries look really weird, but thats because I copied my ET folder including the etkey to my new notebook, and formatted it afterwards (hence the etpro guid changing twice). Vista seems to like giving out empty etpro guids, and I also played a match on my old PC during this time.. Talk about fucking up such a nice yawn history.
u notice tho how ure pb guid is the same? even tho u changed computer AND then formatted ?

so his excuse is clearly bollacks
pb guid is saved encrypted in a physical file (etkey) which is stored in the etmain folder. By copying my old ET folder from my last PC the pb guid moved over as well.
Slasheh, How can I make you to trust me? :)
you cant, i trust no one in ET anymore

blame the cheaters.

just yawned myself and it appears that my guid is etpro guid is missing in a recent one. so i guess your off the hook.

for now:P
Thanks dude, nice to see that u r gonna trust me ;)
I'm feeling sorry 4 you, we could be friends :)
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