de ZaK-

de zak is mad at me for smth i havent done :< what should i do, how should i act to win back his trust and to make him e-love me again :< hes ignoring me on irc and on pubs where we "accidently" meet, but i know better. HELP
steal his gf
Use a pink dildo in his sleep!!1!11!!
dont use cheats
doesnt work 4 him:( he has tried
Tell him you truly love him, make sure he understands your feelings. I'm sure you can work it out.

Then go rape his gf
im trying to tell him all that but its hard to talk to someone who doesnt answer back :<
Then skip the feelings part and just go rape his gf. You'll feel better, and he'll feel bad for not having talked to you. You both win! No, actually, you win 2 times! Even better! :D
Lol I should, but it might backfire and make him hate me even more :<
Nah, not at all! Just rape his gf.
send him some cookies at home
get a room plz
i heard suicide helps?
Grab his ass, he likes that!
Van iedereen die hier heeft gepost, ben jij wel de raarste :D:D
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