Funny Shit By jEzt0rr,

hoi diz iz tah r3aL stuff..

wanna thank Kamz, NuggaN, Pearl and everyone love u guys <3
Added: 1 hour ago
gg :>
p.s. watching the final part...and then i realised that in the left was a boy...until then wasn't sure...
Isnt this pulZa?

hahah busted
no itz Jester tah gangztah but leik ye im in the right..
ísland <3 :D!
those guys are fucking retards
not my foult god put u in this life as ugly as u r and ur mom does not let u go out and have sum fun so u just sit @ ur cp and make shit comments about us the cool guys who r realy cute
ok here is your conclusion

1) your gay?
2) you really dont have anything to do with your time
3) your attempt at doing a mime act to a song like its been done 10000000000000000 times before is not unique and you REALY dont have anything better to do
4) your not cool
1. im not gay
2. when u say i dont have anything better to do with my time i answer with this im @ boardin school and i did this after we came home from party @ 5 in the morning
3. while i was doin this u were propably searfin crossfire makin other shit comments.
4. u r the type of nerd who thinks u r so big on the inet while ur just a
newb in real life.
5. ur mother musta hate u.

+ u suck @ ET
seems to me that you make shit up becasue you have nothing to offend me with, i kinda feel sorry for you. and yeah i probably do suck at et because i havnt played it for months but i bet i still have more experience than you so np, sry
rofl was i tryin to makin shit up just do offend u? r u retarded? or just 13 years old kid?

confo on 10/09/07, 08:03:43 PM | Reply

ok here is your conclusion

1) your gay?
2) you really dont have anything to do with your time
3) your attempt at doing a mime act to a song like its been done 10000000000000000 times before is not unique and you REALY dont have anything better to do
4) your not cool

wasnt that u sayin that? i simply answered u.. so i wasnt tryin to offend noone.. but u r just plain old simply retarded and fat. like i said i did this vid after a party @ 5 in the morning so i dont have anything to do with my time? what were u doin while i was doin that? tell me.. couse few hours after i wrote this journal u answered and that means u were just in ur cp lookin @ journals @ crossfire.. tell me what is more fun doin a vid like this with ur friends or sittin all alone in ur cp writin shit comments about sum dudes u dont even know?

btw i very much doubt it that u r more experienced @ ET than me.. and ur a cunt.. not a regular cunt u r a fat cumcheese cunt with mushroom souce init. u suck and ur just a lil kid.
i ony asked one quest and that was if your were gay

old journal nobody cares
rofl cant u do better than that... btw u didnt ask me if i was gay u said those guys are fuckin retards. then i replyed and u replyed me with 1) ur gay.
Quote1) your gay?

the question mark makes it a question if your not sure about the english language
shud i quote u then again?

confo says:
2) you really dont have anything to do with your time

confo says:
i ony asked one quest and that was if your were gay
old journal nobody cares

KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK. admit it u lost the fight. just su and stop whining on crossfire plz.
dude i didnt lose and why be so aggresive
Couse i send this vid in 2 be funz0r and if u didnt want to watch it couse it was "to old" 4 u to do shity stuff like that dont watch it then. and expecially dont make shit comments on it couse it seems 2 me that u dont care about this vid.. but yet u allways replyed.

i mean why did u think i've been arguin with u for so long? couse i knew when i sent this vid on crossfire there wud be flamin. and when i said "make shit comments about us the cool guys who r realy cute"
i was only havin fun pissin u off.. couse u were the first flame :o
snar samkyngneigða dæmi :XXX xDDD, thats what the icelandic et community is like :P!
omg, i hadnt got to the end when i posted :XXX, that is sooo flaming gay :X, nevertheless its icelandic, so it will be tollerated :P

Djöfull er þetta skítugt :X :D
Jáhh þetter töff stöff ;o
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