Silent Hill the movie
10 Sep 2007, 02:34
Hey guys watched Silent Hill now the 3rd time and it was still fucking exciting :D
In my opinion the game suxx but i rly like the movie ... what do u think about it?
In my opinion the game suxx but i rly like the movie ... what do u think about it?
On movie they fucked all plot stuff, and mixed it badly.
You dont know a shit about the game history and if you dont care, you can feel free to quit this kind of retarted posts here.
Fuck u all newschoolers.
btw it's not about the opinions. There's no opinions for saying that. Silent hill GAME(at least the first one) is a masterpiece, and you can maybe have opinions about the movie. thxbye
ps: Akira Yamaoka is the bestest. - Good thing about the movie is that they used only his sexy musics at there, from games.
If I wanna watch crap ill watch asian screen *b horror ftw*