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-.- turkey didnt win vs malta... thatz so ... omg .. there is no word 4 it

turkey should own malta 5:0 ! xDDDDDDDDDD
we should have won that game! unlucky malta!
u have luck that u didnt win !
register yourself!
i did....i want you to register so that we can be e-friends!
idd... xD

a lot of player got busted after the match against switzerland xDDDD
Your prime minister should be mad all the time then, having one of the worst teams in the world

omg when they were singing it was ione of the greatest feelings i ve ever had in football

but when they were beating each other up it was one of the worst feelings i ve ever had in football

( i hope my english is correct xD )
why the fuck did they "Booo!" at the other team's anthem? omg, that is soo fking idiotic.
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