The ET:QW Demo: Opinions lol ><

For all who have played the demo/beta. Do you like it ? Are you going to buy it.

My first ompression of the demo was: I didnt get a shit from it :< Dont know yet
dont laik it.
nice spammer
geh arbeiten.
hartz 4 :[
ké, same here. ts!
watching tv soon und so :o
ah k hf und so o:
hi daddy!! sup? :D
Beeing a sad panda :( , sup 2 you?
listening nice music. sad, why? :(
ETQW :(, Needing one player for the team :(, Wanna trial for it? or mix :)
my pc is too slow and me dont like it. sry... gl !!
nice excuses :(, wanna be mascott? :)
nothing can beat ET :'(
give it time. at first. i didn't like it either, now i do. but the demo map suck donkey balls and is hopefully one of the worst (especially looking at it as a competitive map) there is in this game. too many vehicles and all that.

anyways, yes. i'm def. gonna buy the full game :)
looks nice but my pc died after 10 mins
1. aiming feels like its smoothened. dont feel like i have total control.
2. dont really like the future theme
3. dont understand anything bout maps/objectives
4. who is enemy? ah the red icon! dead
5. vehicles. i like them in ut style, not this one. but limited might be ok
6. gfx engine improved a lot (still sux tho)
7. feels slow
I agree aiming feels a lot smoother now. Also it feels slow compared to ET, but I think they increased the game speed slightly after the Battlefield players requested it to be slowed down and ET Players asked for it to be quicker.
but i still think the crosshair doesnt react exact. feels like a mousefilter (smoothing)
you will learn all of that in time. everything just comes after awhile and u won't have any problems with who's beeing the enemy and who's being your friend or wtf_is_this_objective_about.

all the vehicles sucks yeah. but it will be restricted for competitive play so no worries :)
i think id need someone to teach me :D
but dno if i will like qw then
nah :) easiest thing to do is just look at what the objectives are in the (L)imbo menu. and pick the class with the star (the one "most" needed for w/e stage you're on). on gdf it's engy for constructing the bridge, engy for keeping the mcp repaired, cov op to hack the thingy and finally soldier to blow up the contaminator. meanwhile u can still do side-objectives (like capturing the forward spawns with w/e class). as gdf engineer u can also build some guard towards that are situated every her and there.

as strogg it doesn't really matter. but i'd suggest pretty much w/e when defending the bridge. engy (placing an avt or apt) on the 2nd stage. engy on the 3rd aswell for an apt/avt and place mines (remember to activate them with your repair tool) on the hack thing. and engy for disarming any bombs planted on objetive 4. and u can ofc do side-objectives as strogg aswell. taking back the gdf's forward spawns and such.

either u do that. or u just pick soldier/aggressor and go rambo with your lacerator/ar and learn how to aim in etqw.

takes a day or two - then you should start getting a hang of it :)
thanks very much.
i ran around this morning building bridge etc in "singleplayer".
not yet :>
it sux
it will never be better than ET im waiting forward to RTCW2 :<
nice not having played it
if it's relatively same as the beta, I'm with that guy
its still the same game, sorry for you. Some changes here and there, nothing major.. But Valley does not really give the best ET:QW experience :(
its a nice game, but the movement seems somewhat laggy, atleast compared to ET
could be my fps though, haven't tweaked the game yet
ET movement is just so damn smooth :)
Sadly none of the games nowadays give such a smooth feeling as the Quake 3 engine was able to give :(
My pc can finally run it thanks to the fix. :o
WOW, what a shit game.
no way hosay
i downloaded it but it's just not my game even if my computer would be good enough to play it without fps lags...

the game engine is good but this game is poor slow unsynchronized(this is probably a need of adaptation to the game) and
" slijz on 10/09/07, 19:40:59
4. who is enemy? ah the red icon! dead "
played it 2 weeks and i have to say its not good
i like it. u should give a chance at the game!
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