Third journal about punkbuster!

Sorry to spam but my ET is still not working well. Plz can somebody help me. I have problem with punkbuster the latest update. When i startplaying my eat just eat more and more cpu after some times it freez and unplayble like hell.

I already sended a mail to evenbalance but they didnt replyed yet. I also tryed to find something usefull here but nothing worked.

Already did the update with pbsetup.exe and pbweb.exe
already try to delete the pnkbstr files in my system32 (that gives a error that pnkbstra is delted)
So nothing is working maybe somebody has a solution about this problem and can help me Thanks!

Plz only usefull comments thanks! :)
I have the same problem et is eating more and more cpu :(
saw something cool, when i did "msconfig" in run, check: "services", even when wolf wasn´t running that pnkBstr was running ;D
noticed it too... And it's fucking eating my cpu (not that i don't desperatly need a format but hey that's the disadvantage of shared pc's)
What error do you get?
When i delete the files from system32 i got this error:

Failure: PnkbstrB.exe initialization failed
Am naughty i do double post :D

Check this link, see if you can find any useful help in it:
nothing from there is really usefull :(
i have the same problem ; /
same shit different asshole
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