Mouse sens bug

So, sometimes (usually happens in periodes) when I switch the mini jack cable from speakers to headset manually on my sound card, my mouse sensitivity becomes insanely low.

It is a rather old SoundBlaster Live 1024 from 2000'ish.

Now it is fixable by unplugging and plugging in the mouse again, but still... Anyone have any clue of what the h*ck is going on?
So here I am guessing what I should replace the * with in "h*ck". Because whatever I enter I cannot come to an offensive word.
If you replace it with an e, doesn't it become slightly offensive?

I don't even know why I did that :D I guess it's an old habbit from writing news posts.
what the hack !!!
First thing that came to my mind :)
erm, heterosexualfuck?
my mouse sometimes goes insanely fast when i log on ventrilo.

also , if some1 is logged on an XP account before me, and I then log on, my mouse settings are fucked up/.

both fixed by logging everyone off- including me, then logging back on :P

it gets annoying
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