another etqw journal

Lol, I've just played the demo! They've actually DID something with that retarded hitdetection!

If the beta was a big shit now the game feels and plays pretty good though it has still some flaws that prevent it from being a game I'd go and play competitively (like all those cars, sniper rly easy to handle as shit...)

Discuss how the game improved since 1st beta!
the game imo has improved a lot. Now it is playable :o
now im able to play QW with better fps now?
The game has been slightly improved, it still is a piece of shit tho.
Well, when I pretend that there are no cars, flyingwtfthings, turretthings..., it's pretty fun to play. But as I've written - there are some flaws (except for those vehicles n stuff) - like some pointless graphical effects, impossibility to turn some shits off, slow and retarded zooming + some more I don't rly remember now :o.
dont play it
hasnt improved much
plz bf:qw or cod:qw They only took the classes from ET :x
Go on any ETPRO skilled server and find some playing another class but medic. Etpro skilled pubs are more of DM game than class based game . Just lean and whine.
I alsmost forgot:
Ahm, i'm not really interested in playing pub at any game...
Dont really understand why you are replying to my comment.
#et.gather ;)
Ah Et was my biggest online love , but when cheaters forum reached 500 posts I desided to quit. Since then I played 1 pracy and 2-3 hours of pub. I was in need of another game because ET turn to be no fun anymore. 2 many cheaters 2 many laggers and you ask you're self where is fucking fun. So from now I'll stick to ET:QW and maybe to COD4 or even team fotress2. But for me ET=dead.So #et.gather is not for me.
Playing on a server with infonly is fun;
but with vehicles it is one big shit.
only need to get used to the vehicles
u will learn how to avoid them etc
and then u can also play almost inf only in clanwars too, if only a few of your teammates do the vehicle stuff
and belive me, there are lots of inf fights :)
also on valley and that map is made for vehicles i think
on the first public beta map "SEWER" we had some clanwars were we playd inside the building for 10-15 minutes -> inf only - 6 vs 6 @ inf's !!
I still get raped by those fucking helicopters and roboters, even if I try to avoid them.
Well, I haven`t played a clanwar yet to see how it is then when you have some vehicle-spcialists around, but I`ll try that after cdc.
we know u sux, dont have to tell
opend profile: not even worth small flame...
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