cdc. bring equipment?

do i have to bring my own mouse/keyboard?

cause i really think their standard stuff is better than what i have.
You have to bring your mouse (and pad if you have one). They will have a keyboard there and last time there were even headsets (which sucked tho).

*edit* oh they have mice :F soz cash!
but its a standard internet place right, my mouse is currently quite shitty and i dont have any money for another 'game' mouse. so they probably have standard stuff lying around? :-x
No mouses there =) but you can borrow them of other gamers if you would want to.. Pretty sure some people will bring two mouses!
allright touchpad it is ! thanks
teh hardcore geeks!
I'll take two with me :( one for my laptop too!
the standard stuff might have been better than your stuff at cpc2, but that was because it was before the opening. Now it's probably trashed.
The standard keyboard was better than yours, but you still used your own keyboard :D
FU :<

My moldy keytronic roxxors your boxxors
Well.. people usually play better with their own keyboard, mouse and pad.
well.. i'd rather play blindfolded :o)
Contrary to what Wesbo says, there are mice and keyboards available for you, but take into account that it surely will require some time to get used to it.

I was there last weekend and the mice and keyboards are not trashed yet, so it all should be fine :)

I would still recommend to bring your own mouse, in case you have trouble adjusting. What type are you using anyways?
well it is a 518, but just, ya know, fucked up.
many ppl have that mouse, so it is an easy one to borrow. But it is never a guarantee.

The mice at WZZRD are the standard model (for left and right handed ppl) without side buttons, which might become a problem for you.
Don't forget your own CRT monitor.
Whahah, good one :D
what r u laughing at... i forgot mine last time round too
try fitting a CRT into that space...
i would have put it on my lap!!
I dont want to bring my G15 :/
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