9/11 8[

Lets all show some respect to the persons who died there with a 1 minute silence, 6 years now from it. 8[

edit: and please no retardcomments like: "Bin laden is zeh kingzorh"
Tragic yes, but hey should we hold a minute of silence for the people dying everyday from hunger in Africa?
I think not
hmm a silent minute for every dying kid in africa would make the world a pretty quiet place with liek, no talking at all
so every second 1 minute silence?

i still didnt understand how people can make such an uproar because one child disappearing in portugal, they rather should start helping in africa where they need it the most.

rip to who died there
one minute of stfu -- got it
damn, 6 years already
Oh noes some American pigs died, BIG FUCKING DEAL.
People die every day, and many people die every day cause of the US, send some more planes I say!
"Bin laden is zeh kingzorh"
shit opinion
RIP to all those who died tbh.
8[ is zeh smiley now !
I've been crying all day.
In the morning I was in McDonalds with my friends and ordered the "last supper" in honour of people who died in WTC. I COULDN'T EVEN FINISH MY MEAL BECAUSE I FELT SO BAD INSIDE
do not eat mcdonalds :(
I do what I want, bitch.
that's not what he said

knowing i was standing on top of the WTC few weeks before the incident :<
I'm gonna play tower rush in honor of some dead peons
every 2 sec a kid dies of hunger or sumthing care about 6 years ago
every niggers do that shit to their self's not our problem
it was all about conspiracy. blame bush !
I bet you dont even know Bush's first name.
we had a fire drill at school today in remembrance of 9/11
Yes he have the right to do so.
It should be an olympic game to kill Americans.
It would be awsome to see people from all over the world hunt Americans with butcher knifes in a swimmingpool!
Those Twin Towers were too oldfashioned anyway.
Laat ik het zo zeggen: als deze gebouwen verplaatst zouden worden naar een getto van Rio de Janeiro, zouden ze volledig opgaan in de achtergrond.
I have a very vivid memory of that day.

Someone asked to turn the radio on in my 3rd year Standard Grade English class and we heard about it there....I can remember the chair who asked to turn it on, where they were sitting, where I was sitting, where the radio was etc. What struck me was that listening to the radio was pretty much a luxury in our class and noone had suggested it before until that particular day at that particular time and considering my teacher's brother-in-law worked in a building close to the WTC - and she got all frantic and got a phonecall about it - it just seemed really weird.

I believe we had an early finish at school so I got home from school about 2:50, roughly 10 minutes later the first tower went down, then the second half an hour later. Was glued to the TV set the rest of the day, in shock.

This is a sad day, one year ago i was partyin in NY, drinking my ass of with friends =/

Now it is cold and rainy here...
i posted this once, but here, some serious shit:
6 years has passed extremely quickly.

snie goedd
ye i saw that film too xD
Bin laden is zeh kingzorh
It was tragic of course

But the ppl in africa are dying of hunger and that for over 30 years now (if someone know the exact year correct me) , agree , its hard to help them and it will take long untill they catch up with us

But they are humans and we should help them

Thats how i feel about this anyway ..
yes it was tragic, but americans are making too much of a big deal out of it. But i think thats because they never rly had the big wars on their territory like we have.
I wouldn't say Osama is "ze kingz0rh", but he does make some valid points.
what's the w for?
walker walker and no, it didnt take me 8 days to google it, i just read it!
care. bush just did it
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