SAS grounds planes

Scandinavian Arlines has decided to ground all of their planes of the type Bombardier Dash 8 Q400 after the second of emergency landing in 3 days.

Sunday one of the SAS planes emergency landed in Denmark Aalborg, after having notice problems with the right landing gear. Video here:

Last night another SAS plane of the same type emergency landed in Lithuania Vilnius, agains with a deffective right landing gear. So now they have decided to ground all of their 26 planes of that type.

Does it make you more frightened about flying?
Do you have second thoughts about flying with SAS (if you are) to CDC? :D

Discuss! :P
oh, yeah, every kid is in school, that's why i can own as a first reply-moron !
that's fukcin true mate, gl !
Finland Finnair have had also some problems lately. Engine stopped or something :/
looks fun!
Sabotage... You can clearly hear someone shooting at the plane with an smg right before it lands!
Yeah, that's called a camera :P
U can shoot with camera?
A photoshoot? :)
That's what they ALWAYS say...
pfft, I thought you were talking about the UK army SAS...not some crappy airline :P
the chance that you will die in an plane accident is like 1/31241234143
but in russia its 1/2
image: airc_sas

I think this one was grounded after it hit the deck at 300mph
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