Homework Help

This is the most pointless piece of homework i have EVER had to submit..

Can any1 help me out with a funny definition of a College Jock? and a Smoker..

(This is actually college work.. lol!)

thnx in advance guys <3

Smoker = someone who smokes stuff e.g. cigarretes, drugs.
College jock = RL bully who thinks they are tough, often plays sports for the college etc and hangs with the girls?
noo like funny definitions, sry im shit at making things clear.. cheers anyway HoPPa! xD
College Jock would be someone who participates in like

Jock noun
1. An athletic supporter.
2. Sports An athlete, especially in college.

smok·er (smkr)
1. One who smokes tobacco.
2. A device, such as a stove, that emits smoke.
3. A smoking car.
4. An informal social gathering for men.
I don't know :<
fuck of school.. fuck of homework.. my notes are
3.8 overall :D
I give school 6.8.
A smoker is a big contributer to the national gross domestic product.
A smoker is someone who paid most of the building costs for this school.

A college jock is the embodiment of the jock strap
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