[PL- not only now:P] Nice game
13 Sep 2007, 13:42
Made my day and night also soon :DD
Shout outs for all students <3
Made my day and night also soon :DD
Shout outs for all students <3
2. You and person who own pawn next to u = drinking
3. Person from ur left = drinking
4. Person in front of u = drinking
5. You drink and go on 32.
6. You drink
7. All except u = drinking
9. Choose person who will drink
10. Boys are drinking
11. Person right to u = drinking
12. You order some1 to drink twice
13. You drink such many times as dice is showing and go back to start
14. Person being the closest and the farthest = drinking
15. The girl who u choose = drinking
16. You drink and the first who will laugh, drink twice
17. You drink and pause
19. Girls are drinking
20. You drink and throw again
21. If there isnt alcohol, you are paying
22. You drink so many times how many eyes u got
puhh that will be enough :P
you will all die before some one will win :D
Can't drink wodka in work!
Status: failed :/
but in practice is nice:)