McLaren - The real deal

- 100 million $ fine
- no points for season 2007
- no penalty for the drivers

Now I'd like to hear an official statement, because I've no clue why they got punished this time.

"The team must also prove there is no Ferrari 'intellectual property' in their cars next year before racing."

"McLaren team chief Ron Dennis is due to give his reaction to the verdict at a 1915 BST news conference."
That's right about now, I guess.
biggest joke ever
they stole ferraris idees about changing the car
That's common business.
but they got pustet.
who cares.. formula 1 sucks anyway
its quite obvious when you think about it

mclaren have been spying on ferrari and produced a car so very similar to ferarri's :)
So, they've spied on Ferrari at the beginning(?) of the season and changed their car (completely?). You know these cars were designed/constructed last season.
What they've constructed could've been simply better than what Ferrari did and you can't really tell whether anything Ferrari constructed for their car could work with McLaren's in the same performance enhancing way.

And even if they 'copied' anything, why didn't they find out about it in the first hearing?

This is what Sir Jackie Steward told the BBC:
"There is something very strange going on, there is no doubt about that.
From what information we have been given so far, this does not constitute a penalty of this scale with regards to the crime that has been carried out.
And even if they were found guilty of that particular crime, it doesn't justify this kind of penalty."

Not even Ron Dennis does know why they are punished.
well, thats was just my educated guess, but if you think how much money they will get for placing 1st and 2nd in the drivers championship and constructors, that penalty could well justify it :) so i assume that its also based on the drivers and constructors positions. but your right, it could have been found out at the beginning, but its clear to see now that since mclarens cars next season are going to be really really looked at... obviously its not done in that much detail now, and it must relate to this in some way :) this is what i have gathered from places anyway

it does not include speaking with men at ferrari as it would surely have been mentioned.. so its definately one sided which limits what it can be
hahaha so they are guilty! xD
SMB is the best game for the NGC ever :D
mclaren is nr 1and2 in the ranking right now so fuck ferrari mclaren is just bether if mika hakinen would return ferrari would be dead ^^
It's a chickenshit verdict, compared to the driverschampionship the constructorstitle has no value at all. They should've banned them for the rest of the season tbh. They asked the drivers to tell them what they know and stated they would be punished if they lied about it. They lied and now only the team gets punished, nice one.
The constructorstitle is worth a lot of money for the team. Besides $100m isn't really chicken shit. :P

And it doesn't seem like they're guilty of using the data, else the obvious punishment would indeed be a ban. The fact that they need to prove that they're not using any Ferrari 'idea' in the next season, shows that FIA only fears that McLaren *could* use the data in the next season (because the car is in construction now).
Let's wait for the FIA statement tomorrow.

Btw, Paul Stoddart (former Minardi head) said: "FIA = Ferrari International Assistance".
It's hard to tell if they use the info. For example you can use an idea of Ferrari and modify it and then say: "we figured it out ourselves". Besides, they also had setup data of the Ferrari. Punishment can't be hard enough in this kinda cases, cause otherwise you'll allow every team to bribe employees of other teams.
True. So, another plausible version could be McLaren have used the data and the FIA simply does not want to 'destroy' the current driver's championship. I mean the uproar would be huge if Hamilton was banned and his chance for winning the championship in his rookie year taken away.
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