bb ET from moi

After enjoying ET for a number of years now, time to call it a day. It's broken, I don't know how to fix it but I have no real initiative to fix it either. PC is kinda screwed anyway, so makes sense to reformat and start over.

Thanks to:
- Nexu, TheLamb, Apoc, Sac, Jykrz, Pox for our fun times of play in Squad and TeamLithium

- Toxic, randori, ten, dev and co. for the fun in x86

- rat for being rat

- The people who bared listen to my shoutcasts who were really the only reason I kept on doing it.

- teams such as TLR, Dignitas, Highbot (GMPO), ex-evolve and co. for providing moments of entertainment for myself and the rest of the community

- for being a cool community even if it can be sometimes retarded

- Tosspot and FlyingDJ for your help with casting

- crew (you know who you are) for continually providing excellent coverage for the games, ET wouldn't be anything without them.

- Sinuss, Wookash and Conr4d for getting me started and having such a blast at PGA

- Mistti, Claim, fierro and scyter who gave me the idea and encouraged me to at least try to cast

- #ghettoblasta , mtm, vaggi, slajdan, dara for our fun mixes

- all others who i've had the pleasure of having fun in ET with and those who i simply cannot remember at this time.

- last but not least, anaconda and foonr

Veni, Vidi Vici,See you around, Benjamin.
<3 Have fun in the future Mash =D
bibuy cool guy! (check mah rhymes!)
good decision
was nice to have u around as shoutcaster and as person :) gl m8
A sad day for the enemy territory community.
Nice shoutcast bday :(
hmm kk but cu next week
shoutcaster quiting just before the LAN ... unhaxpected!

gl with whatever your going to do now. :P
most likely format, posting a journal tomorrow becasue his fresh et install is bugged or so
lol plz dont joke about it.. i've formated c: and reinstalled win, clean install only with et and some stuff and i have lower (!!!!!) fps than on the spywared vired system... and its kinda bugged too :X so i play warsow now xD
bibuy, will follow you in 2 weeks!

have fun whatever u doing :D
hf in real life mate, hope to see you some day back <3 :)
bye Ben!

greets, Ben.
nooooh :< :< :<
no plz,bb i'll miss ya gl :<
bibuy! Hf somewhere else :)
Nice shoutcasts always, good for the community!

Ps. ET will die after CDC..
get a little bit of your nickname, pls :D
You forgot me, I will now go and cry myself to sleep.
loved your shoutcasts .. anyways, have fun mate :)
aww Mashed, btw its mistii and you so forgot about me, I was teh third :<
Farewell! :-(
cu at msn Bénjamin. :(
my name isnt ben
cmon mate, 1 last cast
Thanks to:
- Nexus

Benjammin' :P
Good luck for you and see ya around at msn :)
bb mashed! :) have a good time!
no shoutout for me :(
bb et or bb geeklife? gonna miss those shoutcasts :(
evenbalance made mashed quit!? bb :/
Love Stoned - I think she knows...
eh bb :/
bb ben
hf and one day youll get the job :P
Have fun whatever you're doing next :)
very sad, always enjoyed your shoutcast :<
joking? You can't leave ET now! We want your shoutcasts, the game is more than active!
sad day

bibuy Mashed :\

hf in rL
Like our chat on MSN, it is indeed a nice time to move on, you can be proud on ur work for the community and the game !

<3 u always

Bye bye ! :(

Ana :D
you leave a big whole in the et community tbh.
mashed:( gl with rl and rugby.
We'll miss ya
great guy and best mg42 in et! :D

c u around Ben <3
cu @ msn now
Take care and gl in the future Mashed. I <3 your shoutcasts!
BB & GL m8 !
bb and gl mashed :)
maaaaiii love <3 <3 :) I'm off to ET 2 - exams soon :(
Cya somewhere in poland :D or england :d
great guy, very mature, gl in reallife but I'm sure you'll have a lot of funi! cya
bb mashed! thanks for all the good shoutcasts n stuff :)
Maybe i'm randomnoob but i love your shoutcasts :<
bb :'[
oh bb m8, GL, <3d your SC's. So you won't be SC'ing wafflers vs SRP? :<.

GL in rl.
mis daran flametus
cu benjamin one of the best ..
bb gl and hf
Where the fuck was my mention...

3D and everything !
good luck Benj ! enjoyed it :)
tosspot will have the shoutcast monopoly, noes
too bad we'll have to miss your shoutcast from now on :<<

But gl in reallife mate ;) hf
No idol for me, gl meight <3 ya :>
take care, you have done an awesome job, I hope you will change your mind
I wish you all the best for your future!

There will be none other who is able to refill your place in the community!

bb mashed thank for your n1 shoutcasts everybody will miss you gl in reallife ;-)
ET is death after cdc......

who thinks so, too? ;-(
I think ur wrong!
haha expected comment hauFi :X
bibuy and gl
bb, GL IRL.
Byebye, you have been a great Shoutcaster.

Have fun and Gl in Future!
WE STILL LOVE YOU MASHED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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