a night in hospital

yay fun.

went to uni ball had a good time and such got fair drunk.

THEN i went to the after party was there for about 3 minutes went to take a piss and started coffing up blood \o/

coughed up blood for about 2 hours went to hospital go on the drip got xrays and few bunch of other shit had the biggest spew EVER full blood

all in the mean time im still coughing up blood then after i finished my 1ltr bag of drip finally stop coughing up blood and then they sent me on my mary way \o/

so yea....

stayed tuned tomorrow for photos would have been more but i was in hospital coughing up my heart and soul (blloood) heheheh
2bad 4 you
dont do that!
8 in the morning :(
arent you 10 hours ahead of us hmmm
Why were you coughing up blood, did they say?
something is wrong with my stomach, had deep pain when the nurse put pressure on it.

apparently i've got to lay off the smokes/boooze/chilly for a while.

luckly for me i don't eat chilly \o/
Chili? :P
Stomach ulcer maybe?

Sounds bad anyway, hope you get well!
thats all?

attantion whore \o/
poor you :<
2bad 4you!
cant wait until the pictures:)
Hmm, my friend had something similar when he drank too much cough medicine.
Night was in hospital?! No!
That happened me from drinking vodka and red bull.. only it was only a small bit of blood still frightening all the same
a time ago a friend of my had the same, if the ambulance were a little bit later he was gone now :o
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