qw or et?
13 Sep 2007, 22:30
since qw has come out on demo everyone has been going crazy what do you prefere?
et or qw ?
et or qw ?
35.2 %
(19 votes)
64.8 %
(35 votes)
cuz i played with both and its quite obvious that the xbox is way better cuz its new!
i watched this film called top gun the main characters (tom cruise) name was maverick since then ive always had that nick
but dont get me wrong, im not saying its a bad game since i also loved to play et and i still do so
but for competitive gaming etqw is one of the options et players can choose for the future
and i think/hope etqw will have a bright future
it just sucks a bf2 wnb and i dont like bf2 either
i do agree on something tho and that is that et is geting to many fucking retarded cheaters
but et is definitely much better than quakewars.
2. I dont need Vehicles and stuff
3. Have to buy an new Computer for this game (DOH!)
4. Waiting on RTCW2 :(
ET > Q3 > RTCW > Q4 > UT > QW