
Hi Guys!

Today is friday, everybody have a look for his weekend, even me. But i still good no motivation to work! I promise every minute appears like hours.

Where is my motivation?

Anyways ... i wish all of you a great day and more motivation than i have, to solve the day! ;D

best regards
i dont think you will find your motivation here @ crossfire
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Reason: third. one day ban.

you scared me :D
gekke mongolen
me is @ work too... but my motivation got lost too... im thinking too much... under pressure!!
system core melt down !!!
the dots are meant to be brainlags, not my fault!
I had 2 hours lecture, and it felt like 8 hours :s... luckily it's over now
Man i feel the same, but now my day is allmost over so it okay :D Going home in 1 hour!
today is the most retarded day
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