ET:QW problem.

I downloaded the demo and installed it on my machine and everything went fine with the installation. However, when I'm playing, if i try to move the mouse quickly from side to side, it cuts out while doing so every time. If you mouse the cursor from left to right slowly, there is no cutting out but if you try to do it at any pace, there seems to be lag/freezing with the cursor.

Has anyone had a similar problem? The mouse isn't broken by the way, ET:QW is the only game/application where this occurs.
its only in the frist few minute or when you fly down with your parachute
Read my reply to pumu down below please.
u cannot move the mouse that fast in vehicles
there is a maximum speed
its the same for all sensitivity values

dunno if thats ur problem though...
Nah it's when I'm moving about on the ground with my Assault rifle out or whatever. When I try to move the mouse fast, it cuts out or lags. When I do the same movement slowly, it works with no lag or cutting out.
ET:QW problem
Do you have a problem relating to my ET:QW problem?
No, only ET:QW. Are you the nice guy who play on pubs without nicklaming?
I play on publics yes, known as "pedro D:<". I don't know about nice though!
file a bug report to id software or something
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