windows live messenger

ok what msn do you ppl use

windows live messenger sucks

it alway get stuck and then it shuts down
and i cant put msn 7.5 or so on cause then i have to update

so plz tell me there is another version then this shit
windows messenger > ...
on this pc: windows live messenger

This is a journal I made yesterday, if you want to keep using your older MSN, try this ;)
ok it works :p
I use msn live...I cant seem to find anything wrong in it.
i cant find anything right with it
msn live messenger and my mobile phone :XD
window live messenger , no problems with it !
wlm 8.5, 0 crashes nP4me
windows live messenger + messenger plus

if u want an alternative msn client try trillian or miranda, even though i personally consider windows live as quite good, no problems with it for me :x
noproblem with wlm
I use Adium. >_>;
ahh, gaims bastard child with a better ui
Did you mean: pidgin


Pidgin doesn't run on OS X btw, and even if it did native Cocoa app > multi-platform shite. Not only because of look and feel, but also Growl, Sparkle, etc. integration.
I wasn't insulting it...

It's a bastard child in the same way Bioshock is the bastard child of System Shock 2

It's fundamentally the same, infact Adium relies on libgaim, so in a way I'm right, most of the coding from the Adium devs is on the UI and OSX area, not the IM protocols :(.
Pidgin is still a pretty stupid name. :/
never said it wasn't

also hard to find a "good" dock icon so i have to use: (240x240)

I use pidgin.
<@TLR|nVc> everybody dance now
<@kullerva> ..|.
<@kullerva> :o___..|.
<@ephix`I[L]You> :D
<@ephix`I[L]You> rock
<@ephix`I[L]You> this party
<@ephix`I[L]You> :P
windows live messenger. but sucks ...
Word! This new one sucks! :F Older one was way better :< But I had to install this newer because of the same reason.
Win live messenger np >
I used some old version of win live msn, hundred times cliked that I DO NOT WANT UPDATE, just because new version just crashes and thats all cant even launch... after some time it loged me out and said update or i wont let you sign in... great isint it?

Now i use aMSN... its way better...
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