colin mcrae RIP

died with his 5 years old son @ helicopter crash in scotland...this news hits me.
after richard burns gb lost another champion.. big personality

just saw it ;< RIP
for real ???? :s
i wouldnt dare to joke about it @ austrian sports site...they assure..
i dont get the point of RIP :S
like 5th journal about it but i m not surprised...lof of ppl liked him :( same as me :(

Rest In Peace!
ok nvm :D i think im already too old...u think that ure fast but u dont think fast enough :)
R.I.P :(
kinda got me aswell... with his son.. thats so sad :( rip
Every three seconds, a child dies ok.....
ure right, but its good that u now recognize this fact again bcoz a famous one died... at least it makes u start thinking a bit.
It doesn't... my heart pretty much goes out to the people living in third world countries rather than these 'famous' people.
u dont get it... the fact that a popular person died makes u start thinking of the other fact, that every death is a pity etc - what is right...i dunno how i should explain it in engrish :S
No, not because of this man and his son's death I was reminded by the fact that other people die. More that my past is reminding me of this :)
You're such a rebel... :-\
but he is right :)
Then he should get off his arse and join a (secular) missionary or something if 'his heart goes out to them'

In addition, this was just a horrible accident that involved a 5 year old. It's no accident in the third world that these people are dying. The "AIDS is bad but condoms are worse" stance of the Catholic priests and Christian missions over there isn't going to do anything but make the problem worse.
It is a sad thing he and his son died.

But when you know that there are children who even dont get a chance to drink etc , this is nothing.

Furthermore, There are alot of people who work in dangerous sectors, who can die on their work.

He died when he was doing something for fun.

Dont take it as a personal attack, this was just my vision.

I just don't REALLY believe in the sincerity of his initial statement. I think he was just trying to get a reaction.
Truly your judgement is based on nothing. But I can blame you, you know nothing of me nor do I know anything about you.

But to make some things clear, my initial statement is sincere, and I do help out where I can. But you see organisations like for example Red Cross wants people with experience. With this I mean experience in warzones.

Why, why does my heart goes out to them? Well, I was born in a thirld world country. So I do know what is REALLY going on in those countries.

To say that I just wanted to get a reaction... I'm not like 95% of crossfire people. Perhaps you should have just looked a bit more into my previous comments. That was the least you could do.
It's more understandable now that you were sincere, but to say "Every three seconds, a child dies ok....." IS trying to get a reaction, irrespective of any previous comment you've made.

This guy isn't a celebrity waste of space like Paris Hilton, he was a champion at his profession and had a lot of talent. If every time someone like him dies, and you're going to make that comment, then I feel sorry for you. :-\
Wheter I wanted to get a reaction or not is something I would like to leave in the middle. I didn't say it to get attention. This was not my intention.

I never compared him to Paris Hilton. That's something you are doing. Nor did I looked at him that way.

You shouldn't feel sorry for, I'm not the type of person who is going to say that every single time.
"I never compared him to Paris Hilton. That's something you are doing. Nor did I looked at him that way. "

So why are you making it seem like it's bad taste to mourn him?
Quote by -Max-So why are you making it seem like it's bad taste to mourn him?

I didn't.

It seems like it really hurts you that I've said my statement in the same line as this man's death. If so then do accept my apologies, but bear in mind that there are far more worse things 'out there' than this particular situation.
just sad...
rest in pieces
thats uber sad becouse he died with his son :/
R.I.P :(
i was a fan of him since the first race i saw :< rip collin
uh finally hes dead im so glad:)
dum dum dum another one bites the dust *sing* x]
there saying there not certain its him but it prolly is the news lies!
his manager apparently confirmed it.
RIP a great sports personallity
thats sad :<

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