
Best frost mage build ?

Discuss or flame !
scadi is best frost item, but rly expensive :(
If anyone could post their build here it would be great.

Like 33/18 build should be good I've heard

But where to put the points ??

lol. not. noob spelldamage and crit :x
arcane/fire with instante pyroblast. atleast for pvp :)
simple as that
for pvp 17/0/44 or 33/28/00 (instant kikoolol 5k) or even 18/43 (from
for pve 33/28 (scorch scorch scorch) or 10/48/3 (scorch x5 fireball x8 and repeat)

for ice pve i would use 0/0/61 or 10/0/51 to get the free spell.
reroll lock while you can!!
stop playing wow !

or reroll Rogue :D
im a rogue and tbh its not all its cracked up to be =[
arcane/fire imo
my locks build is 27/34/0 best for pvp
Hunter beastmastery + 1.40 speed gun > ALL MAGES ON EARTH
im not a mage im a lock :D you cant beat me
:< then i will remote connect to your computer and give the /shutdown command :<
experiment different builds man see what you like best and be a bit more specific with the build purpose
just be a vendor and sheep, thats enough for a mage
be a rogue and you will own
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