Mouse and keyboard plz

I'm planning on buying a razer mouse called Prosolution did anybody use it before?
(it looks hot and the specs are ok)
image: nmzv39

And i also want to purchase a G15 keyboard. Does anbody have any experience with it?
image: 20050811-logitech-g15-keyboard-crop
image: 20050811-logitech-g15-keyboard


Oh and random pic
image: 128295977416407500disizwutical
G15 is ftw =)
hama easykeyboard, 5€, there is everything u need, works well even if you bang it and it's rather small so it's good for LANs :)
G15 only 60 euros plz
60e for a keyboard is such a waste
No it's not i've been saving for a pc for over a year. Now i've got the mooney so i'm gonna motherfucking spend it XDXD
give the 60e to me and I'll bring you a keyboard
bring it where?
Journey from polaksia costs more than 60 unless you're one of the illegal workers in the back of truck
You see that truck? You see the illegal workers in the back? You see the person hanging UNDERNEATH the truck? Found him ;-)
cdc3 if u arent online only....
too lowskilled to be online only
ok cu there, imcoming wednesday
Mouse? prosolution is diamondback, just white but its more expensive than db..
and keyboard? spare the money, keybord for 10 euro is best ;P
NOOO!! I haz monneys i want to spend it xD
buy weed then ;p
My mom told me not to do drugs that cna make you eat from a trashcan
"Specs are ok"

like you would need over 400 dpi and whatever the fuck razer says it has.
prosolutin is a diamondback in white with a blue LED woo ;S get a nice razer diamondback 3G + a radom cherry mousepad becoz the g15 is ugly and much to big :S

here we are:

image: main-db3g
I had a G15 for about 2 hrs and sent it back because it was shit
me too but with Razer DA :)
microsoft wmo1.1a, really nice and cheap
60 euro for g5? where
ye i was talking about g15 , it was a typo
I have a g15, I'm really pleased with it.
really? tell me more plz :)
Logitech MX518>all
Logitech keyboard for 5€>all

buy logitech mouse....

image: 06561_o
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