MSN virus!

This is a warning for anyone who's actively using MSN messenger: dont accept and open the following file: whoever sends it to u.... it's a virus and im not sure what it will do but my friend's laptop crashed because of it and he tried to send it to me as well

be warned! :-d

ive been getting like 5 of those per day the last week or 2, they are really dumb/annoying :|
None ever sended me this crap...
Some of us, like me, have protection about this stuff, so if someone mass send/send as the first thing they do it will simply be ignored.
Your friend tryed to send you the file?
he has friends?
thx in advance.
lol 2 seconds later someone sent me the file lolz
he sent me a file called and i accepted it... then i unzipped it and there was a dos file inside with the same filename
i called him before i opened it cause i thought it was a bit fishy he told me his laptop crashed

i can imagine a lot of people will simply open the second file too though..
The average CROSSFIRE user would, I think.

Does that show stupidity or lack of criticism? x-]
Why ur FRIEND sended you the virus if it crashed, that's like fucking retarded and you should kill him for been gaytard friend.
lol mate... :S he didnt notice he sent it to anyone, the virus/trojan whatever it may be just sends itself to everyone in his list i asume and his laptop crashed right afterwards
oh cheasy let's redo our conversation in english ! >_<
en hoe is het met de rbnt
dont speak dutch !! :O) ull be deleted xd
they will delete his life? :O)
yes, sort of like the bourne identity

"the spho identity"
I just watched the 3rd part!!!
i saw it last friday \o/
does that make me cooler than u ? >_<
i dont want to be deleted :<
Haha, manual viruses, thats soooooo Poland.
damn thats so fucking old
Accept the file, and fucking bash your computer against the wall before everything crashes. After that yell "HAHA OWNED U FUCKING VIRUS"
This is like 3 years old, do people still fall for this shit?
Ye , non-geek ones.
Like my brother accepted one not long ago, my /windows/, /system32/ and other folders was full of the shit -_-
My sis accepted some fucking crap , and now my PC reboots randomly , like not overheating , just reboots omfg im sick of this bullshit
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