ET Ultimate Installer 1.5 (not released yet)

Hey guys.
I'm about to release a new version of my ET Ultimate Installer. I want this v1.5 to be as long as possible the "latest version released". So it needs to be bugfree and to have all the stuff users want in it (no cheats kthx).
Therefor, I really need your feedbacks about bugs and features needed.

Changelog from 1.4:
added bremen_b1 (b2 is still there)
added 1v1 maps (tournementdm2 & te_valhalla. Should there be other maps?)
updated to jaymod 2.1.7
updated punkbuster to v1.738
added an option that adapts the fov for wide screen resolutions (needs to be selected)
link to ET Server Viewer's website
CFG changes: spawn selector, class selector (check the cfg below)
minor installer changes

General features:
The game Enemy Territory (for Windows)
The latest 2.60b patch
The latest version of Punkbuster (September 5, 2007)
The most played mods: ETPro 3.2.6, ETPub 0.8.1 & Client 20070801, Jaymod 2.1.7, No Quarter 1.1.1
A nice and simple .cfg adapted to the latest ClanBase Cvar restrictions (May 2007)
And many maps

One of the 2 cfg provided with ETUI:

PM me when it's out - will upload it to ;x

When we can expect linux client? :p
cool, thanks for the mirror, it really helps me :)

concerning a linux installer, i don't use this OS and the software i use to make the installer doesn't work for linux :/ anyway, if someone wants to make one, i could help.
Maybe Zhaplja could do this ;x
OS X "installer" would be a piece of cake. Basically make a .dmg with an ET folder in. >_>;
So make it! :o
I'm still trying to figure out how to open the console. :D
lol :X
Mac newbie? :)
Well, not really. Total ET + Mac newbie though.
tnx for adding etpub. Everytime i reinstall ET i'm like wtf i still need to down etpub :/
Maybe wolfcam, some small scripts and/or "spam" scripts.
Maybe wolfcam, some small scripts and/or "spam" scripts.

ye, raise them assholes right from the start
i'll check wolfcam.
which scripts do you think about?
Fov/Spawntimer/Crosshair color/size changer etc.
there's already etpro spawntimer. for fov and shit scripts you'd have to make almost a new install step with quesjun for "which button to be the fov changer? / what fov wil you use?".. imo useless :X
I don't think i'll add anything to the exisiting cfg. It's also made for beginners and if every key changes sth, some wouldn't know how to change it back.
scripts like these can be easily added to the existing cfg file if you want them, but most players won't use them (imo).
anyway, thanks for the feedback!
Also wolfparser, very usefull if you want to create ur own cfg.
rly nice work, one man doing a sensfull journal and good things for the community :)
is there any way to install only etpro? nice idea bdw :) gj
yup sure, you can select the mods you want to be installed (none, etpro only, all, etc.)
niceee :D tnxx
gj and lol @ meez, he got his will with the widescreen/fov calculator :}
When are you planning to release?
Cool stuff, do love the installer :)
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