2 questions

a friend of mine asks this:

"Do you get a ban if you play in cups or cb-matches with less packets than 100?"

not sure if i can give him the correct answer...
but i thought that if the cup wants your packets within a certain range, the server config will automaticly change your maxpackets so its within the allowed values...

so if your config is set on 40 max packets...and you have to play with 60-100...the server config will automaticly set your maxpackets to 60... is that true?

plz answer both his and my question
and on what question is this the answer? :P
No, cb won't ban you. And yes ET will restart automatically and set up the allowed cvars.
Quote aQute on 18/09/07, 00:09:32 PM | Reply

and on what question is this the answer? :P

Squalliiii on 18/09/07, 00:12:01 Del | Edit | Reply


Sheep on 18/09/07, 00:12:09 PM | Reply


decem on 18/09/07, 00:12:43 PM | Reply

that's not even remotely funny, stupid twat.

Squalliiii on 18/09/07, 00:12:55 Del | Edit | Reply

that's not even remotely funny, stupid twat.

_rapster on 18/09/07, 00:13:11 PM | Reply

that's not even remotely funny, stupid twat.
....yeah that realy helped me out good... thnx xD

btw real thnx to you rapster
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