bored @ work :(

its "bored @ work" journal #412351234

how to fight da "boredom-monster"?

i am sitting here and idlng in 5 forums,
reading some game-p/reviews,
simulate like i do something for work...

i cant watch porns and play games here, bcoz its 2 flashy

SO HEEELP MEEEE PLZ !!!!!!!!!!! D:
Why don't you just work? :)
i have nothing 2 do... ok chef told me to take contact to some firms... and i have to use internet to solve this task :/
Then send the mails and tell your boss you did the job :D
i m in my office, door closed (permanently some guys are passing and it sux) and waiting until it is half past eleven and that sucky girl leaves the laboratory so that i can work a little bit...

but usually when i m bored im idlin at some forums and sometimes i play wsw or et :)
If the girl is that sucky, why dont you let her sucky you?
cause she is the wife of some ingeneur here and she does onlyizi works here
so? if she is sucky she will sucky!
sitting here with some womans (much older then meh), they are bored 2
and talking bount lazy peoples... thats so weird
are they hot?
no :(

but i try to make them hot while closing my eyes and think bout some sexeh chicks
zdraste dymon! :D what is ur work exactly?
hi2u my dear israeli
how r u? :>

e: have 2 write emails to firms and them if they are interested in our services :|
bored, and u? :P
im much more bored then u, but np only 38 mins left till lunch break :D
go to youtube :>
i wish i could... if my work m8s catch me watching some movies/clips the r gonna complain
i just came from school yay :P

lets play ET !
ur so lucky compare 2 me :)
:P but u get money and i dont..u can buy a lot of kebabs .. i cant .... U R LUCKY COMPARE 2 ME ! xDDD
np. im going to work in a hour, hope this helped you
Bored @ school
Just got back from school.. gotta work in a few hours.. busy busy live! :P
ok lunch break made my day... now some more (hope not boring) hours :|
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