False hope (pimp journals)

Me and my girlfriend just broke up (3 weeks ago). We had a relationship for 1,5 year. We had some goodtimes, but definatly bad times tooo. She was a girl who had many problems in the past (drugs, boysfriends and shit). but i was starting to love her because of who she was, and not what she did in the past. now we put a end to our relationship and really im fine with that. But my only fear is that she will return to her bad times (when she was partying much, using pills and stuff), while i tried so hard to keep her away from all that shit. So i still hope that we can work things out so i can still keep a good eye on here, but she doesnt want that. She said to me that i need to take her back as my girlfriend or else she dont want to have someting to do with me..

Pimpin in the stress pimpin in the stress...help a n*gga out..shit....what shall i do?
Take a picture of her, fap on it, stick it on her face and tell her to not go lower than she already is.
A "Get the fuck back to the kitchen" wouldn't cause any harm either.
are you dutch:)?
man wow thats really hard
hmm you shouldnt take her back as your GF unless you still love her
or think that you still have a future with her

and yeah if she doesnt wants to be just friends idk.. there must be some way to still keep an eye on her:) call her/talk to her friends etc
and if she does anything stupid again you could tell her parents?
nah man she is 20 years old, and lives in her own appartment
leave her and let her do whatever she wants
oldschool pimp-a-tronic
do u still love her? if yes, then get her back and care for her and have a good realtionship.. if no.. then its her life, mostly its hard to be still friends after long relationship imo

and if u rly care for her about her "old" life, then tell her parents and friends that worry about her and maybe they will help her..
schnee asked xfire to do the same for her... Now she's addicted & 24/7 refreshing. At least she stopped the coke & the whiskey so afterall she's a lucky girl.
Im still friends with my ex-girlfriend after 2 years relationship!
u r a friendly guy. women can only love u :p
Why not combinate both keeping an eye on her and letting her do drugs by being her personal dealer?

Its a great way to get both sex and money!
cant keep an eye on everybody :-)
FU gf die of aids
if you still love her take her back as your gf before its too late
Fuck her when u are drunk, other times just say that u love him
=====FoLlOw YoUr HeArTz===>

image: valentines_day_clipart_heart_arrow

/emo off
just don't end up like this:

image: arrowheart
long time no see bundy, how are you?
good m8, playin some ET:QW now...game is lame as fuck but hey....u need to do someting while ya single right ?
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