My Dog :0)

My Dog is very sleepy

image: 1410060407hd6

My Dog is palying with a sh0e

image: 0809071924sm0

My Dog is c0nfuzed

image: 1508071726kb1

My Dog is not amUs3d

image: 2805071428ux3

My Dog is cooling his balls

image: 1410060408mm9

isnt he cute :y ?
damn your dog is ugly
Post some more pictures of the woman in your profile instead of posting pics of your dog :XD
why ? my dog is sex3h this gurl not !
Ugly fucking dog
I would post a pic of my black retriever but I don't fancy putting you all to shame :D
well i rly think my dog is cute wtf :A
I just can't stand the scruffy look on them =)
your dog has a big cock!
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