P5Y & Nickje


Belgium Nickje (me) and Belgium P5Y both want to go to CDC3, as a spec.
Since hotel and food and booz and everything is to expensive for us, we are only going one day.
Since we don't want to spend money on traintickets, we are searching for someone who is going one day to CDC3, doesn't matter if it is friday or saturday, and is willing to take us with him/her in his/her car. (no serial killers please)

Some info's:

Belgium P5Y
» 21 years old
» mature
» He plays basketball
» special info: I heared him trowing a glass on the ground once when we were losing a game :<

Belgium Nickje
» 20 years old
» funny/annoying
» Going to the army in october
» special info: brother of rhand, LoL

If someone is willing to give this two retards a ride to CDC3 in his/her pimpcar (and back home) pm them in #gD

Thanks for reading, hopefully cu @ CDC3 : >
Thanks, hope we find someone :<
bring ur panzer Nickje.
Now u said ur the brother of Rhand u only will get serial killers :D :P
pm me on irc -xaien

EDIT: I hope one of you has short legs! More accurately the one sitting in the back...
ging jij niet gans het weekend?
ps: ik hem lange bene dus ik zit vanvoor^^
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