
Just curious. Does any1 else just uses their wrist to aim? and if u do, what settings do u use?
ye i do, i guess. never thought about it.
400 dpi, 125hz, sens 2.3, windows sens default, mx518, no acc
wristaim :)
ask danone
i do

450dpi 500hz sens 3 in et 7/11 in windows, no accel, deathadder
yes mostly wrist since i use a kinda high sens

windows sens full
razer sens 8.5 (deathadder)
et sens 1.5

using [used?] these settings [which seemed to be high for me :X]:

-win 10/11
-deathadder sens 7.5
-mousefix.reg + negative accel fix
-ingame sens 0.58 @ 98 fov [wide ftw]
-dpi = 900
-about 12-14 cm/180*

so you have liek over 5 times higher sens than me :OOOO how can you aim with that? it will be sth around 3cm/180 degrees :OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
yes, something like that (3cm/180)
"Hey you! You are a mad person!"

OR you are fanboying winghavens panza-twist-skillz.....
well i do play panzer and fops, but i guess i just prefer controlling my mouse rather than moving it a lot to rotate nstuff
I mainly use my wrist, settings used are:

Plug in mouse, disable windows accel, aim and press fire (seriously).
I aim on razorblades.
mx310 dont know hz, dont know dpi, default windows sens, default in-game sens.

logitech mx518 -> sens 5 in setpoint, 6 in windows, setpoint implementation, 1600dpi, 500Hz, accelfix, mousefix.reg, sens 2.5 in ET
I use my wrist to aim, but I also use my mouse to aim so you might call it symbiosis
atm a bit yes, ~15cm of mousepad not under kboard for it to fit on this "desk" :-X
Used to, but I always had problems with it because my wrist also touched the mousepad, and if I wanted to move my hand, I had to drag my wrist over the mousepad... As wrists are not smooth, it was not a good idea. Tried lots of smooth materials to attach to my wrist, but nothing was good enough. Now my hand hardly touches the mousepad and I only use my arm, though sometimes I correct my aim with my wrist (I guess).

Anyway, my settings: windows sens = 3, dpi = 400 (I think so since I press the '-' on my mx518 until I get the lowest dpi. Can someone please confirm this though?), 125 hertz, no accel (not in windows nor in ET), 5.52 sens in ET (atm)
wat zit jij nu danku te zeggen :[
ik aim met mijn muis, kwee ni hoe gij da doet
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