Essay written while high

Fake, you can write some pretty good shit when youre high.
You can't, you think you can, that's the whole point, but you really can't
But that shit was good, if good equals stuff that you want to read.
Yeah but that wasn't written while he was high.
Maybe he should get high and rewrite it for fullscore. x-]
The last book that someone wrote entirely while high was Mein Kampf, it didn't turn out so good.
Well, there is always exceptions.
not funny
One should ANALize the poetry on page 43, when Oedipus is rollin in his benzo... :D
See you after class !! What would she of wanted
OO !!! not bad for a 63 %
61 if i read it well :) how the hell can you get that much of that paper
By grading it yourself.
i would even fail myself with such crap tbh...I never do give allot of points actualy
Whenever they said you can grade your own scores in school, I just waited until they read out the answers and answered the questions then, it seemed pretty easy. If they said swap papers with the person next to you, I didn't, I was anti social from a very young age.
cheator :p here we could never grade ourselves... we always got our sheets randomly distributed in the class and never knew who got your copy...
It was only ever for those shitty "I can't think of anything to teach you, so we'll do a quiz instead" tests, nothing important. Although, sometimes they'd give out a prize, some chocolate or an anal raping, it was catholic school, and I'd win because everyone else in the class was too fucking stupid to cheat.
"Page is to big"
What an idiot. The page was just as big as all the other ones.
It's far too big for the amount of text written on it.
But the size of this particular page hardly manages to represent its content in all of its ingeniousness. It actually is way to small and needs to be at least twice that size.
you dont expect me to read this shit, do you?
I don't know, did you expect us to read yours?
u dont reply with a counterquestion thats rude.
Minus two points for the teacher as well.
Page 3 should've been: "Where is the text?" and "Page is too big".
Have you ever tried telling a teacher that you're deducting them a point because they're a fucking idiot who can't manage simple grammar skills? They really don't like it.
Two weeks ago I pointed out a spelling mistake(s) he made in a book that he wrote 10 years ago . He appreciated it.
I was talking more about standing up when they make a mistake and shouting "MINUS ONE POINT, BITCH", then sitting down.
No, I never shout. I'm a civilised and educated person. I'd probably walk to his desk and say: "You made a mistake, sir. That's minus one point to you."
Civilized people shout, they just don't do it because of anger or emotion.
HAHAHAHA nice dr. dre stuff, made me laugh! :DD
"page is to big" teacher seems to have some nice skills too =D
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