little discussion

life without music, do we still can call it life ???

(i had winamp paused)
Hmm i think if i could never listen to music again i would kill myself a bit.
yeah a bit to add some humor to my horrible comment.
music is everything and everywhere
Movies etc, taking advantage of music, such as background music would fuck me over if it would be gone but I guess just staying away from listening to music wouldn't be a problem hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha owned!!!!!!!
hahahahahahha :DDDDD
omg was fürn freak, wie lange durfte der bitte als jugendlicher alle paar tage sein zimmer putzen, wenn der so derbe abgeht?
der hats nicht nötig zu onanieren. der fickt einmal im jahr und dann platzt ne bombe
der könnte reicher als bill gates werden, wenn der nen job in ner samenbank annimmt
oder einfach die seite führt was er macht =P
define life & define music
also, later, define without.
Are you the guy we played against this afternoon?
you had names like 'drum-n-base' 'nd stuff.

we are paranoiaclan.

Seems like you are 19 years old, and still you act like a spoiled little brat when you lose.

Next time search a skillclass lower, so you will be able to win. Otherwise learn to accept the loss, and stop flaming like you are the big man. We didn't do anything wrong.
i was working this afternoon

thx for the insult anyway
If you are not the guy, then the insults aren't for you :)

Yes, i think music means a lot to most people, just like it means a lot to me. I don't think i could be without music just for one day, i always have radio or heaset or mp3 on.

enjoy the rest of ur evening :)
the meaning of liff
Who needs music when you got recordings of blitz whining, pmme for dl links^_^
don't need any recordings... every time marks a unique experience :P
True, but how about e techno remix with blitz whining? ;D
how do you define music? just a string of a notes?

it's physically impossible to avoid it

think of all the things that produces notes
music is organised noise
et doenst need music ;)
it would be a hard life
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